Share Your Story…

3 responses to “Share Your Story…”

  1. The Last Words Avatar

    I love the idea of spreading kindness and thinking about the value of our words and their impact on others.

  2. Mel Avatar

    I am deeply sorry for your loss. I love that you have no regrets about your last words with your daughter. Thank you so much for sharing your story and for extending this challenge (I’ll take it). I pray that Courtney’s legacy will be one of kindness and love that will lead countless people to the One who is love and whose kindness leads us to repentance – the Lord Jesus Christ. I look forward to hearing more stories about how the Lord uses our words to impact others. God bless you and your family.

  3. Darrell Dean Avatar
    Darrell Dean

    I know that my wife, Courtney James-Dean, would have loved this! She had such a positive, vibrant, and uplifting spirit to her. She always looked for the good in others, and tried to ensure that laughter was shared.
    I’m reminded of a quote from one of our favorite movies “The Town” (2010): Doug MacRay: No matter how much you change, you still have to pay the price for the things you’ve done. So I got a long road. But I know I’ll see you again – this side or the other.
    I am eagerly looking forward to the day when I can hold you again, see your smile, and hear that infectious laugh that brings a smile to anyone who encountered my darling angel ๐Ÿ˜‡ Courtney.

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3 thoughts on “Share Your Story…”

  1. I am deeply sorry for your loss. I love that you have no regrets about your last words with your daughter. Thank you so much for sharing your story and for extending this challenge (I’ll take it). I pray that Courtney’s legacy will be one of kindness and love that will lead countless people to the One who is love and whose kindness leads us to repentance – the Lord Jesus Christ. I look forward to hearing more stories about how the Lord uses our words to impact others. God bless you and your family.

  2. I know that my wife, Courtney James-Dean, would have loved this! She had such a positive, vibrant, and uplifting spirit to her. She always looked for the good in others, and tried to ensure that laughter was shared.
    I’m reminded of a quote from one of our favorite movies “The Town” (2010): Doug MacRay: No matter how much you change, you still have to pay the price for the things you’ve done. So I got a long road. But I know I’ll see you again – this side or the other.
    I am eagerly looking forward to the day when I can hold you again, see your smile, and hear that infectious laugh that brings a smile to anyone who encountered my darling angel ๐Ÿ˜‡ Courtney.

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