The Challenge…

The weight of words changes drastically when they become our last. Some of us, even now, wish we could change the last conversation we had with someone… When it comes to the last words, we don’t don’t always get it right. But our chances increase when we choose to make every conversation…every interaction end with something positive…affirming…encouraging.

I grieve the loss of my daughter, Courtney, every day, but I am so thankful that when I relive our final moments, my last words to her were, “I love you.” Her unexpected death made me realize that we never know if our last words to someone might be the last words that person hears. Whether we know them or not, our words to them have the power to uplift or tear down. Don’t we all need encouragement? Can’t we all benefit from more kindness in the world?

These thoughts challenged me to consider how I talk to people. Every person we meet, every single day, needs to feel like who they are, and what they do is important. A few simple words from you can go a long way. Tell the cashier you love her necklace. Tell the guy handing you lunch out of the drive-thru window how much you like his new tattoo. Pay attention to the colorful eyeglasses, hairstyles, or nail polishes, and say something positive about them. Make “Thank you!” and “I appreciate you!” and “Good job!” your all-day, every day last words.

Let the last words your kids or spouse or loved ones hear – EVERY TIME – be “I love you,” “I’m proud of you,” “I can’t imagine my life without you.”

But more than that, the true challenge is to take this open, honest, uplifting attitude out into the world every day.

Use your last words to make someone’s day just a little bit better. It won’t cost you a penny, but it could be priceless to them.

I certainly can’t change the past, but I believe all of us, together, can change the future.